Chapter Volunteer of the Year and Chapter of the Year awards were announced at the recent annual meeting of the Fort Hays State University Alumni Association Board of Directors.
Lesley Schmidt, Park City, received the 2015 Chapter Volunteer of the Year award. Schmidt, a 2008 FHSU graduate, is a landscape designer and auto CAD technician with Mid-Kansas Engineering Consultants Inc., Wichita. Schmidt has served on the South Central Kansas Chapter’s volunteer leadership committee since its establishment in 2011, assisting with the development, coordination and hosting of chapter events and activities.
“Lesley joined the executive planning committee the night of her first alumni event,” said Jennifer Brantley, a 1993 FHSU graduate and outgoing SCKS chapter president. “Since then, she has effectively kept up on our Facebook page with events and other FHSU information, attended all executive committee meetings, and has offered to make contacts and to host events in that time.”
“Lesley is passionate about FHSU and the SCKS group activities,” she continued. “Her energy and youthfulness have assisted our group in connecting with a younger alumni crowd. Team up those qualities with accountability and responsibility, she has been a phenomenal volunteer and a fantastic ambassador for FHSU.”
The Capital City Area Chapter, covering the Topeka area, won the Chapter of the Year award. Established in 2011, the chapter serves FHSU alumni and friends in Shawnee, Douglas, Osage, Lyon and Coffey counties. Chapter President Larry Mostrom ’79, Topeka, accepted the award on behalf of the chapter.
The chapter hosted numerous events throughout the 2015-16 academic year, including a student send-off party, a Tiger women’s soccer pregame tailgate party, a beverage tasting event and Tiger Night at the ballpark.
The chapter award includes a $500 cash stipend to use for further chapter development.
Established in 1916, the Fort Hays State University Alumni Association serves FHSU graduates by identifying needs and providing solutions. More than 60,000 graduates live throughout the United States and in approximately 74 countries. FHSU chapters are active across the states of Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas.
Chapter of the Year Award was presented to the Capital CityChapter (Topeka Area), Larry Mostrom ’79, Topeka, CapitalCity Chapter President. Chapter Volunteer of the Year Awardwas presented to Lesley Schmidt ’08, Park City, SouthCentral Kansas Chapter (Wichita area).